Internships, Gap year and year out opportunities with Peace Child India.
Available opportunities
- A range of internship opportunities are available at Peace Child India.
- You can order a reaction paper writer via who will create your resume.
- Our internships can count as valuable work experience to add on CVs.
- Ask for letters of recommendation from our management staff on our headed paper, documenting the quantity and quality of work you have done in your time with us.
- This can be presented to your future employer.
- Teaching internship
- Medicine internship
- Human rights and law awareness internship
- Media and documentation internship
Education |
Reference: INTED
- Teach English
- Organise Sports Lessons
- Run Theatre and Puppetry sessions
- Teach Music
Medicine |
Reference: INTMED
- Work with doctor/nurse medical team to assess children's condition
- First aid lessons
- Healthy body healthy mind programme
- Work in a clinic/hospital
Human rights and the law |
 Human rights and the law awareness programme
Reference: INTHRL
- Work with women from dalit communities to make them more aware of their rights and entitlements
- Help develop a young person's human rights manual for rural India
- Help conduct legal rights awareness workshops and legal clinics
Media and documentation |
Reference: INTDOC
- Make short films on various issues of interest to Peace Child India together with disadvantaged young people
- Develop and produce short films and animation on lessons, awareness and advocacy to help in education and legal projects
- Write articles and pieces of interest on Peace Child India's work for external publications
- Write articles for Peace Child India's online newsletter
- Design teaching manuals and health/hygiene publications
 Your contribution goes three ways:
- your full board and lodging
- towards project costs
- management of your project and your work schedule by our trained staff
- Please click here for a further description on how your contribution is spent.
You may be interested in the following articles:
 Between one and three months
£400 per month. This is approximately $610.
 If you are staying four months or more, the contributions are reduced to
£350 per month. This is approximately $520 per month. |