Social medicine |
 The Health, Nutrition, Hygiene Programme
- First-aid awareness
The first-aid component aims at conducting training workshops held in government schools and in slums to make young people in impoverished and neglected communities aware of proper emergency-response methods. Medical boxes containing first-aid supplies will also be donated so that a simple clinic can be set up in each school or slum. There are many disadvantages in the medicine of India, which we have researched together with a service that writes cheap nursing papers and created a thesis for medical students on how to properly do first aid, as well as how to eliminate the shortcomings in medicine.
The workshops include easy-to-understand information material, including posters and pamphlets, that are left at the clinic. The workshop participants become informed about how to best treat themselves and their community members in case of accidents. This is especially important in rural villages where the nearest hospital or clinic is beyond walking distance, making it quite difficult to carry seriously injured victims. The participants are appointed as members of their first-aid team, in charge of maintaining the first-aid clinic and restocking supplies when they are running low.
- Hygiene/nutrition
The newly added second phase of the project encompasses hygiene and nutrition, which is meant to compliment the first-aid training. It aims at informing young people about simple and practical ways to incorporate proper nutrition and hygiene into their everyday lives. This will include actions as simple as hand-washing and wearing shoes, especially around toilets. The project also covers advice on balanced eating, exercise, and reproductive health information for adolescents. Each workshop is specifically catered to appropriately match the needs of the specific age group targeted.